Define and allocate required grid variables. More...
Go to the source code of this file.
Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine | grdvars::allocate_all |
Allocate grid variables. More... | |
Variables | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::angchk |
The rotation angle on Ct points, as calculated by CICE internally using angle on Bu. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::angle |
The rotation angle on Bu points. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::anglet |
The rotation angle on Ct points (opposite sense from angle) More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::areact |
The grid areas of the Ct grid cell in m2. More... | |
integer, dimension(nar), parameter | grdvars::catm = (/48, 96, 192, 384, 768, 1152/) |
the ATM resolutions for mapped ocean masks More... | |
logical | grdvars::debug |
flag indicating whether grid information should be printed for debugging purposes Default is false More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:), allocatable | grdvars::dlatbu |
The latitude spacing between Bu points at the grid bottom. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:), allocatable | grdvars::dlatcv |
The latitude spacing between Cv points at the grid bottom. More... | |
logical | grdvars::do_postwgts |
flag indicating whether then ESMF weights to regrid from the tripole grid to a rectilinear grid should be generated. More... | |
real(real_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::dp4 |
The ocean depth from a MOM6 topog file, stored as real*4 (m) More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::dp8 |
The ocean depth from a MOM6 topog file, stored as real*8 (m) More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::dx |
The grid cell width in meters of the supergrid in the x-direction (i-dimension) More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::dy |
The grid cell width in meters of the supergrid in the y-direction (j-dimension) More... | |
logical | grdvars::editmask |
flag indicating whether the MOM6 land mask should be edited. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::hte |
The grid cell width in centimeters of the CICE6 grid in the y-direction (j-dimension) More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::htn |
The grid cell width in centimeters of the CICE6 grid in the x-direction (i-dimension) More... | |
integer(int_kind), dimension(2) | grdvars::ipole |
the i-index for both pole locations along the top-most row More... | |
integer, dimension(nv) | grdvars::ivertbu |
The i-offsets of the Ct grid at each Bu(i,j) which determine the 4 vertices of each Bu grid point in i. More... | |
integer, dimension(nv), parameter | grdvars::ivertct = (/0, -1, -1, 0/) |
The i-offsets of the Bu grid at each Ct(i,j) which determine the 4 vertices of each Ct grid grid point in i. More... | |
integer, dimension(nv) | grdvars::ivertcu |
The i-offsets of the Cv grid at each Cu(i,j) which determine the 4 vertices of each Cu grid point in i. More... | |
integer, dimension(nv) | grdvars::ivertcv |
The i-offsets of the Cu grid at each Cv(i,j) which determine the 4 vertices of each Cv grid point in i. More... | |
integer, dimension(nv) | grdvars::jvertbu |
The j-offsets of the Ct grid at each Bu(i,j) which determine the 4 vertices of each Bu grid point in j. More... | |
integer, dimension(nv), parameter | grdvars::jvertct = (/0, 0, -1, -1/) |
The j-offsets of the Bu grid at each Ct(i,j) which determine the 4 vertices of each Ct grid point in j. More... | |
integer, dimension(nv) | grdvars::jvertcu |
The j-offsets of the Cv grid at each Cu(i,j) which determine the 4 vertices of each Cu grid point in j. More... | |
integer, dimension(nv) | grdvars::jvertcv |
The j-offsets of the Cu grid at each Cv(i,j) which determine the 4 vertices of each Cv grid point in j. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::latbu |
The latitude of the corner points on the C-grid. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | grdvars::latbu_vert |
The latitudes of the 4 vertices of each Bu grid point. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::latct |
The latitude of the center (tracer) grid points on the C-grid. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | grdvars::latct_vert |
The latitudes of the 4 vertices of each Ct grid point. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::latcu |
The latitude of the u-velocity grid points on the C-grid. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | grdvars::latcu_vert |
The latitudes of the 4 vertices of each Cu grid point. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::latcv |
The latitude of the v-velocity grid points on the C-grid. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | grdvars::latcv_vert |
The latitudes of the 4 vertices of each Cv grid point. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::lonbu |
The longitude of the corner points on the C-grid. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | grdvars::lonbu_vert |
The longitudes of the 4 vertices of each Bu grid point. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::lonct |
The longitude of the center (tracer) grid points on the C-grid. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | grdvars::lonct_vert |
The longitudes of the 4 vertices of each Ct grid point. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::loncu |
The longitude of the u-velocity grid points on the C-grid. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | grdvars::loncu_vert |
The longitudes of the 4 vertices of each Cu grid point. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::loncv |
The longitude of the v-velocity grid points on the C-grid. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | grdvars::loncv_vert |
The longitudes of the 4 vertices of each Cv grid point. More... | |
real(kind=real_kind), parameter | grdvars::masking_depth = 0.0 |
The masking depth for MOM6. More... | |
real(kind=real_kind), parameter | grdvars::maximum_depth = 6500.0 |
The maximum depth for MOM6. More... | |
real(kind=real_kind), parameter | grdvars::maximum_lat = 88.0 |
The maximum latitude for water points for WW3. More... | |
real(kind=real_kind), parameter | grdvars::minimum_depth = 9.5 |
The minimum depth for MOM6. More... | |
integer, parameter | grdvars::nar = 6 |
the number of possible ATM resolutions More... | |
integer, parameter | grdvars::ncoord = 2*4. |
the number of coord pairs (lat,lon) for each of 4 stagger locations More... | |
integer | grdvars::ni |
i-dimension of output grid More... | |
integer | grdvars::nj |
j-dimension of output grid More... | |
integer | grdvars::npx |
i or j-dimension of fv3 tile More... | |
integer, parameter | grdvars::nv = 4. |
the number of vertices for each stagger location More... | |
integer, parameter | grdvars::nvars = ncoord + nverts |
the total number of cooridinate variables More... | |
integer, parameter | grdvars::nverts = 2*4. |
the number of coord pairs (lat,lon) for the vertices of each stagger location More... | |
integer | grdvars::nx |
i-dimension of MOM6 supergrid More... | |
integer | grdvars::ny |
j-dimension of MOM6 supergrid More... | |
logical | grdvars::roottask |
flag indicating whether this is the roottask More... | |
real(dbl_kind) | grdvars::sg_maxlat |
the maximum latitute present in the supergrid file More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::ulat |
The latitude points (on the Bu grid) for CICE6 (radians) More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::ulon |
The longitude points (on the Bu grid) for CICE6 (radians) More... | |
real(real_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::wet4 |
The ocean mask from a MOM6 mask file, stored as real*4 (nd) More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::wet8 |
The ocean mask from a MOM6 mask file, stored as real*8 (nd) More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::x |
The longitudes of the MOM6 supergrid. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:), allocatable | grdvars::xangct |
The rotation angle on the Ct grid points on the opposite side of the tripole seam. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:), allocatable | grdvars::xlatct |
The latitude of the Ct grid points on the opposite side of the tripole seam. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:), allocatable | grdvars::xlatcu |
The latitude of the Cu grid points on the opposite side of the tripole seam. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:), allocatable | grdvars::xlonct |
The longitude of the Ct grid points on the opposite side of the tripole seam. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:), allocatable | grdvars::xloncu |
The longitude of the Cu grid points on the opposite side of the tripole seam. More... | |
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable | grdvars::y |
The latitudes of the MOM6 supergrid. More... | |
Define and allocate required grid variables.
This module contains the grid variables
Definition in file grdvars.F90.
subroutine grdvars::allocate_all | ( | ) |
Allocate grid variables.
Definition at line 175 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::angchk |
The rotation angle on Ct points, as calculated by CICE internally using angle on Bu.
Definition at line 99 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::angle |
The rotation angle on Bu points.
Definition at line 98 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::anglet |
The rotation angle on Ct points (opposite sense from angle)
Definition at line 96 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::areact |
The grid areas of the Ct grid cell in m2.
Definition at line 95 of file grdvars.F90.
integer, dimension(nar), parameter grdvars::catm = (/48, 96, 192, 384, 768, 1152/) |
the ATM resolutions for mapped ocean masks
Definition at line 167 of file grdvars.F90.
logical grdvars::debug |
flag indicating whether grid information should be printed for debugging purposes Default is false
Definition at line 23 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:), allocatable grdvars::dlatbu |
The latitude spacing between Bu points at the grid bottom.
Definition at line 134 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:), allocatable grdvars::dlatcv |
The latitude spacing between Cv points at the grid bottom.
Definition at line 136 of file grdvars.F90.
logical grdvars::do_postwgts |
flag indicating whether then ESMF weights to regrid from the tripole grid to a rectilinear grid should be generated.
Default is false.
Definition at line 26 of file grdvars.F90.
real(real_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::dp4 |
The ocean depth from a MOM6 topog file, stored as real*4 (m)
Definition at line 144 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::dp8 |
The ocean depth from a MOM6 topog file, stored as real*8 (m)
Definition at line 146 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::dx |
The grid cell width in meters of the supergrid in the x-direction (i-dimension)
Definition at line 71 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::dy |
The grid cell width in meters of the supergrid in the y-direction (j-dimension)
Definition at line 73 of file grdvars.F90.
logical grdvars::editmask |
flag indicating whether the MOM6 land mask should be edited.
Default is false
Definition at line 21 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::hte |
The grid cell width in centimeters of the CICE6 grid in the y-direction (j-dimension)
Definition at line 156 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::htn |
The grid cell width in centimeters of the CICE6 grid in the x-direction (i-dimension)
Definition at line 154 of file grdvars.F90.
integer(int_kind), dimension(2) grdvars::ipole |
the i-index for both pole locations along the top-most row
Definition at line 41 of file grdvars.F90.
integer, dimension(nv) grdvars::ivertbu |
The i-offsets of the Ct grid at each Bu(i,j) which determine the 4 vertices of each Bu grid point in i.
Definition at line 62 of file grdvars.F90.
integer, dimension(nv), parameter grdvars::ivertct = (/0, -1, -1, 0/) |
The i-offsets of the Bu grid at each Ct(i,j) which determine the 4 vertices of each Ct grid grid point in i.
Definition at line 44 of file grdvars.F90.
integer, dimension(nv) grdvars::ivertcu |
The i-offsets of the Cv grid at each Cu(i,j) which determine the 4 vertices of each Cu grid point in i.
Definition at line 56 of file grdvars.F90.
integer, dimension(nv) grdvars::ivertcv |
The i-offsets of the Cu grid at each Cv(i,j) which determine the 4 vertices of each Cv grid point in i.
Definition at line 50 of file grdvars.F90.
integer, dimension(nv) grdvars::jvertbu |
The j-offsets of the Ct grid at each Bu(i,j) which determine the 4 vertices of each Bu grid point in j.
Definition at line 65 of file grdvars.F90.
integer, dimension(nv), parameter grdvars::jvertct = (/0, 0, -1, -1/) |
The j-offsets of the Bu grid at each Ct(i,j) which determine the 4 vertices of each Ct grid point in j.
Definition at line 47 of file grdvars.F90.
integer, dimension(nv) grdvars::jvertcu |
The j-offsets of the Cv grid at each Cu(i,j) which determine the 4 vertices of each Cu grid point in j.
Definition at line 59 of file grdvars.F90.
integer, dimension(nv) grdvars::jvertcv |
The j-offsets of the Cu grid at each Cv(i,j) which determine the 4 vertices of each Cv grid point in j.
Definition at line 53 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::latbu |
The latitude of the corner points on the C-grid.
These are equivalent to u,v velocity grid points on the B-grid
Definition at line 89 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable grdvars::latbu_vert |
The latitudes of the 4 vertices of each Bu grid point.
Definition at line 117 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::latct |
The latitude of the center (tracer) grid points on the C-grid.
Definition at line 77 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable grdvars::latct_vert |
The latitudes of the 4 vertices of each Ct grid point.
Definition at line 102 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::latcu |
The latitude of the u-velocity grid points on the C-grid.
Definition at line 85 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable grdvars::latcu_vert |
The latitudes of the 4 vertices of each Cu grid point.
Definition at line 112 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::latcv |
The latitude of the v-velocity grid points on the C-grid.
Definition at line 81 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable grdvars::latcv_vert |
The latitudes of the 4 vertices of each Cv grid point.
Definition at line 107 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::lonbu |
The longitude of the corner points on the C-grid.
These are equivalent to u,v velocity grid points on the B-grid
Definition at line 92 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable grdvars::lonbu_vert |
The longitudes of the 4 vertices of each Bu grid point.
Definition at line 119 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::lonct |
The longitude of the center (tracer) grid points on the C-grid.
Definition at line 79 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable grdvars::lonct_vert |
The longitudes of the 4 vertices of each Ct grid point.
Definition at line 104 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::loncu |
The longitude of the u-velocity grid points on the C-grid.
Definition at line 87 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable grdvars::loncu_vert |
The longitudes of the 4 vertices of each Cu grid point.
Definition at line 114 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::loncv |
The longitude of the v-velocity grid points on the C-grid.
Definition at line 83 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable grdvars::loncv_vert |
The longitudes of the 4 vertices of each Cv grid point.
Definition at line 109 of file grdvars.F90.
real(kind=real_kind), parameter grdvars::masking_depth = 0.0 |
The masking depth for MOM6.
Depths shallower than minimum_depth but deeper than masking_depth are rounded to minimum_depth
Definition at line 161 of file grdvars.F90.
real(kind=real_kind), parameter grdvars::maximum_depth = 6500.0 |
The maximum depth for MOM6.
Definition at line 160 of file grdvars.F90.
real(kind=real_kind), parameter grdvars::maximum_lat = 88.0 |
The maximum latitude for water points for WW3.
Definition at line 164 of file grdvars.F90.
real(kind=real_kind), parameter grdvars::minimum_depth = 9.5 |
The minimum depth for MOM6.
Definition at line 159 of file grdvars.F90.
integer, parameter grdvars::nar = 6 |
the number of possible ATM resolutions
Definition at line 166 of file grdvars.F90.
integer, parameter grdvars::ncoord = 2*4. |
the number of coord pairs (lat,lon) for each of 4 stagger locations
Definition at line 32 of file grdvars.F90.
integer grdvars::ni |
i-dimension of output grid
Definition at line 14 of file grdvars.F90.
integer grdvars::nj |
j-dimension of output grid
Definition at line 15 of file grdvars.F90.
integer grdvars::npx |
i or j-dimension of fv3 tile
Definition at line 16 of file grdvars.F90.
integer, parameter grdvars::nv = 4. |
the number of vertices for each stagger location
Definition at line 31 of file grdvars.F90.
integer, parameter grdvars::nvars = ncoord + nverts |
the total number of cooridinate variables
Definition at line 36 of file grdvars.F90.
integer, parameter grdvars::nverts = 2*4. |
the number of coord pairs (lat,lon) for the vertices of each stagger location
Definition at line 34 of file grdvars.F90.
integer grdvars::nx |
i-dimension of MOM6 supergrid
Definition at line 18 of file grdvars.F90.
integer grdvars::ny |
j-dimension of MOM6 supergrid
Definition at line 19 of file grdvars.F90.
logical grdvars::roottask |
flag indicating whether this is the roottask
Definition at line 29 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind) grdvars::sg_maxlat |
the maximum latitute present in the supergrid file
Definition at line 39 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::ulat |
The latitude points (on the Bu grid) for CICE6 (radians)
Definition at line 152 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::ulon |
The longitude points (on the Bu grid) for CICE6 (radians)
Definition at line 150 of file grdvars.F90.
real(real_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::wet4 |
The ocean mask from a MOM6 mask file, stored as real*4 (nd)
Definition at line 139 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::wet8 |
The ocean mask from a MOM6 mask file, stored as real*8 (nd)
Definition at line 141 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::x |
The longitudes of the MOM6 supergrid.
Definition at line 69 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:), allocatable grdvars::xangct |
The rotation angle on the Ct grid points on the opposite side of the tripole seam.
Definition at line 127 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:), allocatable grdvars::xlatct |
The latitude of the Ct grid points on the opposite side of the tripole seam.
Definition at line 125 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:), allocatable grdvars::xlatcu |
The latitude of the Cu grid points on the opposite side of the tripole seam.
Definition at line 132 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:), allocatable grdvars::xlonct |
The longitude of the Ct grid points on the opposite side of the tripole seam.
Definition at line 123 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:), allocatable grdvars::xloncu |
The longitude of the Cu grid points on the opposite side of the tripole seam.
Definition at line 130 of file grdvars.F90.
real(dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable grdvars::y |
The latitudes of the MOM6 supergrid.
Definition at line 70 of file grdvars.F90.