grid_tools  1.8.0
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 filter_topo.F90This program does ???
 utils.F90Utility routines
 global_equiv_resol.f90Compute the global equivalent resolution for regional grids
 pesg.f90Routines to perform ESG regional grid mappings
 pfun.f90Routine evaluating useful functions not always available in Fortran
 pietc.f90Double-precision constants
 pietc_s.f90Single precision constants
 pkind.f90Standard integer, real, and complex single and double precision kinds
 pmat.f90Utility routines for various linear inversions and Cholesky
 pmat2.f90Routines dealing with the operations of banded matrices
 pmat4.f90Euclidean geometry, geometric (stereographic) projections, related transformations (Mobius)
 pmat5.f90Handy geographical transformations
 psym2.f90Matrix routines
 regional_esg_grid.f90Compute geo-referencing parameters for the Extended Schmidt Gnomonic (ESG) regional grid
 shave_nc.F90Utility to shave down domains of FV3 files