fvcom_tools  1.7.0
 All Data Structures Files Functions Variables
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34  use mpi
35  use kinds, only: r_kind, i_kind, r_single
36  use module_ncio, only: ncio
37  use module_nwp, only: fcst_nwp
39  implicit none
41 ! MPI variables
42  integer :: npe, mype, mypelocal,ierror
43  integer,allocatable :: mpi_layout_begin(:),mpi_layout_end(:)
44 !
46 ! New object-oriented declarations
48  type(ncio) :: geo
49  type(fcst_nwp) :: fcst
51 ! Grid variables
53  character*180 :: thisfv3file
54  character*2 :: workpath
55  character*1 :: char1
57  integer :: map_proj, nlon, nlat
58  integer :: fv3lon, fv3lat, fv3times
59  integer :: lbclon, lbclat, lbctimes
60  integer :: i, j, t1, t2
61  integer :: num_args, ix
62  integer :: indexfvcomsel
64  real :: rad2deg = 180.0/3.1415926
65  real :: userdx, userdy, cen_lat, cen_lon
66  real :: usertruelat1, usertruelat2, moad_cen_lat, stand_lon
67  real :: truelat1, truelat2, stdlon, lat1, lon1, r_earth
68  real :: knowni, knownj, dx
69  real :: one, pi, deg2rad
70  real :: zero
72  character(len=180) :: fv3file
73  character(len=180) :: fvcomfile
74  character(len=180) :: wcstart
75  character(len=180) :: inputfvcomselstr
76  character(len=180), dimension(:), allocatable :: args
77  integer :: fv3_io_layout_y
78  integer,allocatable :: fv3_layout_begin(:),fv3_layout_end(:)
80  real(r_kind), allocatable :: fv3ice(:,:), fv3sst(:,:)
81  real(r_kind), allocatable :: fv3sfct(:,:), fv3mask(:,:)
82  real(r_kind), allocatable :: fv3icet(:,:), fv3sfctl(:,:)
83  real(r_kind), allocatable :: fv3zorl(:,:), fv3hice(:,:)
84  real(r_kind), allocatable :: lbcice(:,:), lbcsst(:,:)
85  real(r_kind), allocatable :: lbcsfct(:,:), lbcmask(:,:)
86  real(r_kind), allocatable :: lbcicet(:,:), lbczorl(:,:)
87  real(r_kind), allocatable :: lbchice(:,:)
89 ! Declare namelists
90 ! SETUP (general control namelist) :
92  integer :: update_type
93  character(len=4) :: clayout_y
94  integer :: iy,iblock
96 ! namelist/setup/update_type, t2
98 ! MPI setup
99  call mpi_init(ierror)
100  call mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm_world,npe,ierror)
101  call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world,mype,ierror)
102 !
103 ! NCEP LSF has to use all cores allocated to run this application
104 ! but this if check can make sure only one core run through the real code.
105 !
107  write(*,*) 'number of cores=',npe
109  zero = 0.0
110 ! Get file names from command line arguements
111  num_args = command_argument_count()
112  allocate(args(num_args))
114  do ix = 1, num_args
115  call get_command_argument(ix,args(ix))
116  end do
117 ! fv3file: location of UFS grid
118 ! fvcomfile: location of FVCOM data file
119 ! wcstart: warm (restart) or cold start
120 ! inputFVCOMtimes: string of time to use
121  fv3file=trim(args(1))
122  write(*,*) 'surface file=',trim(fv3file)
123  fvcomfile=trim(args(2))
124  write(*,*) 'fvcom file=',trim(fvcomfile)
125  wcstart=trim(args(3))
126  write(*,*) 'warm or cold start = ', trim(wcstart)
127  inputfvcomselstr=trim(args(4))
128 ! read(inputFVCOMselStr,*) inputFVCOMsel
129  write(*,*) 'select time = ', trim(inputfvcomselstr)
130  clayout_y=trim(args(5))
131  read(clayout_y,'(I2)') fv3_io_layout_y
132  if (wcstart == 'cold') then
133  fv3_io_layout_y=1
134  endif
135  write(*,*) 'subdomain number=',fv3_io_layout_y
136  if(mype < fv3_io_layout_y) then
137  write(thisfv3file,'(a,I3.3)') 'stdout_fvcom.',mype
138  open(6, file=trim(thisfv3file),form='formatted',status='unknown')
139  write(6,*) '===> start process for core = ', mype
140  endif
141 !
142 ! figure out subdomain grid begin and end grid index in Y for each core
143 ! The match the subdomains to each core
144 !
145  allocate(fv3_layout_begin(fv3_io_layout_y))
146  allocate(fv3_layout_end(fv3_io_layout_y))
147  allocate(mpi_layout_begin(npe))
148  allocate(mpi_layout_end(npe))
149  fv3_layout_begin=0
150  fv3_layout_end=0
152  workpath='./'
153  iy=0
154  do ix=1,fv3_io_layout_y
155  if(fv3_io_layout_y > 1) then
156  write(thisfv3file,'(a,a,a1,I4.4)') trim(workpath), trim(fv3file),'.',ix-1
157  else
158  write(thisfv3file,'(a,a)') trim(workpath), trim(fv3file)
159  endif
160  call geo%open(trim(thisfv3file),'r',200)
161  call geo%get_dim("yaxis_1",nlat)
162  call geo%close
163  fv3_layout_begin(ix)=iy+1
164  fv3_layout_end(ix)=iy+nlat
165  iy=fv3_layout_end(ix)
166  enddo ! find dimension
167  write(6,'(a,20I5)') 'begin index for each subdomain',fv3_layout_begin
168  write(6,'(a,20I5)') ' end index for each subdomain',fv3_layout_end
170  mypelocal=mype+1
171  if(npe==1) then
172  mpi_layout_begin(mypelocal)=1
173  mpi_layout_end(mypelocal)=fv3_io_layout_y
174  else
175  mpi_layout_begin=0
176  mpi_layout_end=0
177  do ix=1,fv3_io_layout_y
178  iy=mod(ix-1,npe)+1
179  mpi_layout_end(iy)=mpi_layout_end(iy)+1
180  enddo
181  iy=0
182  do ix=1,npe
183  if(mpi_layout_end(ix) > 0) then
184  mpi_layout_begin(ix)=iy+1
185  mpi_layout_end(ix)=iy+mpi_layout_end(ix)
186  iy=mpi_layout_end(ix)
187  else
188  mpi_layout_begin(ix)=0
189  mpi_layout_end(ix)=0
190  endif
191  enddo
192  endif
193  write(6,'(a)') 'begin and end domain index for each core:'
194  write(6,'(20I5)') mpi_layout_begin
195  write(6,'(20I5)') mpi_layout_end
197 if(mypelocal <= fv3_io_layout_y) then
199  do ix=mpi_layout_begin(mypelocal),mpi_layout_end(mypelocal)
201  write(6,*) 'process subdomain ',ix,' with core ',mype
202  if(fv3_io_layout_y > 1) then
203  write(thisfv3file,'(a,a,a1,I4.4)') trim(workpath), trim(fv3file),'.',ix-1
204  else
205  write(thisfv3file,'(a,a)') trim(workpath), trim(fv3file)
206  endif
207  write(6,*) 'sfc data file', trim(thisfv3file)
209  call geo%open(trim(thisfv3file),'r',200)
210  call geo%get_dim("xaxis_1",nlon)
211  call geo%get_dim("yaxis_1",nlat)
212  write(6,*) 'NLON,NLAT:', nlon, nlat
213  call geo%close
215  write(6,*) 'Finished reading sfc_data grid information.'
216  write(6,*) ' '
217 !
218 ! figure out subdomain grid dimension in Y
219 !
220  write(6,*) 'the Y dimensions=',fv3_layout_begin(ix),fv3_layout_end(ix)
222 ! Allocate variables for I/O
224  allocate(fv3ice(nlon,nlat))
225  allocate(fv3sfct(nlon,nlat))
226  allocate(fv3sst(nlon,nlat))
227  allocate(fv3mask(nlon,nlat))
228  allocate(fv3icet(nlon,nlat))
229  allocate(fv3sfctl(nlon,nlat))
230  allocate(fv3zorl(nlon,nlat))
231  allocate(fv3hice(nlon,nlat))
233  allocate(lbcice(nlon,nlat))
234  allocate(lbcsfct(nlon,nlat))
235  allocate(lbcsst(nlon,nlat))
236  allocate(lbcmask(nlon,nlat))
237  allocate(lbcicet(nlon,nlat))
238  allocate(lbczorl(nlon,nlat))
239  allocate(lbchice(nlon,nlat))
240 ! Read fv3 sfc_data.nc before update
242 ! fv3file='sfc_data.nc'
243 ! fv3times: length of time dimension of UFS atmospheric grid (should be 1)
244 ! t1: index of time dimension to pull (should be 1)
245  fv3times=1
246  t1=1
248  call fcst%initial('FV3LAM',wcstart)
249  call fcst%list_initial
250  call fcst%read_n(trim(thisfv3file),'FV3LAM',wcstart,fv3lon,fv3lat,fv3times,t1,&
251  fv3mask,fv3sst,fv3ice,fv3sfct,fv3icet,fv3sfctl,fv3zorl,fv3hice, &
252  1,nlat)
253  call fcst%finish('FV3LAM',wcstart)
256  write(6,*) 'fv3times: ', fv3times
257  write(6,*) 'time to use: ', t1
259 ! Read FVCOM input datasets
261 ! fvcomfile='fvcom.nc'
262 ! lbctimes: length of time dimension of FVCOM input data (command line input)
263 ! Space infront of ' FVCOM' below is important!!
264  call fcst%initial(' FVCOM',wcstart)
265  call fcst%list_initial
266  call fcst%get_time_ind(trim(fvcomfile),inputfvcomselstr,indexfvcomsel)
267 ! t2: index of time dimension to pull from FVCOM
268  t2=indexfvcomsel
269  write(6,*) 'time asked for =', trim(inputfvcomselstr)
270  write(6,*) 'time index selected = ', t2
271  call fcst%read_n(trim(fvcomfile),' FVCOM',wcstart,lbclon,lbclat,lbctimes,t2, &
272  lbcmask,lbcsst,lbcice,lbcsfct,lbcicet,fv3sfctl,lbczorl,lbchice, &
273  fv3_layout_begin(ix),fv3_layout_end(ix))
274  call fcst%finish(' FVCOM',wcstart)
276 ! Check that the dimensions match
278  if (lbclon .ne. nlon .or. lbclat .ne. nlat) then
279  write(6,*) 'ERROR: FVCOM/FV3 dimensions do not match:'
280  write(6,*) 'lbclon: ', lbclon
281  write(6,*) 'nlon: ', nlon
282  write(6,*) 'lbclat: ', lbclat
283  write(6,*) 'nlat: ', nlat
284  stop 'error'
285  endif
287  write(6,*) 'lbctimes: ', lbctimes
288  write(6,*) 'time to use: ', t2
290  if (t2 .gt. lbctimes) then
291  write(6,*) 'ERROR: Requested time dimension out of range'
292  write(6,*) 'Length of time dimension: ', lbctimes
293  write(6,*) 'Time index to use: ', t2
294  stop 'error'
295  endif
297 ! Update with FVCOM fields and process
298 ! ice cover data. Ice fraction is set
299 ! to a minimum of 15% due to FV3-LAM
300 ! raising any value below 15% to 15%.
301  if (wcstart == 'warm') then
302  do j=1,nlat
303  do i=1,nlon
304  if (lbcmask(i,j) > 0. .and. lbcsst(i,j) .ge. -90.0) then !GL Points
305  !If ice fraction below 15%, set to 0
306  if (lbcice(i,j) < 0.15) then
307  lbcice(i,j) = 0.0
308  lbchice(i,j) = 0.0 !remove ice thickness
309  endif
310  fv3ice(i,j) = lbcice(i,j)
311  fv3hice(i,j) = lbchice(i,j)
313  !If ice in FVCOM, but not in FV3-LAM, change to ice
314  if (lbcice(i,j) > 0. .and. fv3mask(i,j) == 0.) then
315  fv3mask(i,j) = 2.
316  fv3zorl(i,j) = 1.1
317  endif
318  !If ice in FV3-LAM and not FVCOM, remove it from FV3-LAM
319  if (fv3mask(i,j) == 2. .and. lbcice(i,j) == 0.) then
320  fv3mask(i,j) = 0.
321  fv3zorl(i,j) = zero / zero !Use Fill_Value
322  endif
323  fv3sst(i,j) = lbcsst(i,j) + 273.15
324  fv3sfct(i,j) = lbcsst(i,j) + 273.15
325  fv3icet(i,j) = lbcsst(i,j) + 273.15
326  fv3sfctl(i,j)= lbcsst(i,j) + 273.15
327  !If ice exists in FVCOM, change ice surface temp
328  if (lbcice(i,j) > 0.) then
329  fv3icet(i,j) = lbcicet(i,j) + 273.15
330  end if
331  end if
332  enddo
333  enddo
334  else if (wcstart == 'cold') then
335  do j=1,nlat
336  do i=1,nlon
337  if (lbcmask(i,j) > 0. .and. lbcsst(i,j) .ge. -90.0) then
338  !If ice fraction below 15%, set to 0
339  if (lbcice(i,j) < 0.15) then
340  lbcice(i,j) = 0.0
341  lbchice(i,j) = 0.0 !remove ice thickness
342  endif
343  fv3ice(i,j) = lbcice(i,j)
344  fv3hice(i,j) = lbchice(i,j)
345  !If ice in FVCOM, but not in FV3-LAM, change to ice
346  if (lbcice(i,j) > 0. .and. fv3mask(i,j) == 0.) then
347  fv3mask(i,j) = 2.
348  fv3zorl(i,j) = 1.1
349  endif
350  !If ice in FV3-LAM and not FVCOM, remove it from FV3-LAM
351  if (fv3mask(i,j) == 2. .and. lbcice(i,j) == 0.) then
352  fv3mask(i,j) = 0.
353  fv3zorl(i,j) = zero / zero !Use Fill_Value
354  endif
355  fv3sst(i,j) = lbcsst(i,j) + 273.15
356  fv3sfct(i,j) = lbcsst(i,j) + 273.15
357  fv3icet(i,j) = lbcsst(i,j) + 273.15
358  !If ice exists in FVCOM, change ice surface temp
359  if (lbcice(i,j) > 0.) then
360  fv3icet(i,j) = lbcicet(i,j) + 273.15
361  end if
362  end if
363  enddo
364  enddo
365  else
366  write(6,*) 'Variable wcstart is not set to either warm or cold'
367  end if
369 ! Write out sfc file again
371  write(6,*) "udpate file=",trim(thisfv3file)
372  call geo%open(trim(thisfv3file),'w',300)
373  call geo%replace_var("tsea",nlon,nlat,fv3sst)
374  call geo%replace_var("fice",nlon,nlat,fv3ice)
375  call geo%replace_var("slmsk",nlon,nlat,fv3mask)
376  call geo%replace_var("tisfc",nlon,nlat,fv3icet)
377  call geo%replace_var("hice",nlon,nlat,fv3hice)
378  if (wcstart == 'cold') then
379 ! Add_New_Var takes names of (Variable,Dim1,Dim2,Dim3,Long_Name,Units)
380  call geo%replace_var("zorl",nlon,nlat,fv3zorl)
381  call geo%add_new_var('glmsk','xaxis_1','yaxis_1','Time','glmsk','none')
382  call geo%replace_var('glmsk',nlon,nlat,lbcmask)
383  end if
384  if (wcstart == 'warm') then
385  call geo%replace_var("zorli",nlon,nlat,fv3zorl)
386  call geo%replace_var("tsfc",nlon,nlat,fv3sfct)
387  call geo%replace_var("tsfcl",nlon,nlat,fv3sfctl)
388  call geo%add_new_var('glmsk','xaxis_1','yaxis_1','Time','glmsk','none')
389  call geo%replace_var('glmsk',nlon,nlat,lbcmask)
390  end if
391  call geo%close
393  deallocate(fv3ice)
394  deallocate(fv3sfct)
395  deallocate(fv3sst)
396  deallocate(fv3mask)
397  deallocate(fv3icet)
398  deallocate(fv3sfctl)
399  deallocate(fv3zorl)
400  deallocate(fv3hice)
402  deallocate(lbcice)
403  deallocate(lbcsfct)
404  deallocate(lbcsst)
405  deallocate(lbcmask)
406  deallocate(lbcicet)
407  deallocate(lbczorl)
408  deallocate(lbchice)
410  write(6,*) "=== LOWBC UPDATE SUCCESS ===",ix
412  enddo ! loop through subdomain
414 endif ! mype==0
416 call mpi_finalize(ierror)
419 end program process_fvcom
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program process_fvcom
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