Files | |
file | angles.F90 [code] |
Determine the rotation angle on center and corner points. | |
file | charstrings.F90 [code] |
Define required character string variables. | |
file | cicegrid.F90 [code] |
Write the CICE6 grid file. | |
file | debugprint.F90 [code] |
Print debugging information. | |
file | gen_fixgrid.F90 [code] |
Generate fixed grid files required for coupled model. | |
file | gengrid_kinds.F90 [code] |
Define type-kind variables. | |
file | grdvars.F90 [code] |
Define and allocate required grid variables. | |
file | inputnml.F90 [code] |
Define the input namelist variables. | |
file | mapped_mask.F90 [code] |
Create the mapped ocean mask files. | |
file | postwgts.F90 [code] |
Create the ESMF weights for post. | |
file | scripgrid.F90 [code] |
Write a SCRIP format file. | |
file | topoedits.F90 [code] |
Add required topo-edits to adjust the run-time MOM6 land mask. | |
file | tripolegrid.F90 [code] |
Write the tripole grid file. | |
file | vartypedefs.F90 [code] |
Define the variables for output. | |
file | vertices.F90 [code] |
Fill the vertices for any stagger location. | |