Go to the documentation of this file. 10 use gengrid_kinds,
only : cl,cm,cs
14 character(len=CL) :: dirsrc
15 character(len=CL) :: dirout
16 character(len=CL) :: fv3dir
17 character(len=CS) :: res
19 character(len=CS) :: atmres
20 character(len=CL) :: logmsg
22 character(len=CL) :: maskfile =
'ocean_mask.nc' 23 character(len=CS) :: maskname =
'mask' 24 character(len=CL) :: editsfile
26 character(len=CL) :: topofile
27 character(len=CS) :: toponame =
'depth' 29 character(len=CL) :: history
30 character(len=CS) :: cdate
32 character(len= 2),
dimension(4) :: staggerlocs = (/
34 end module charstrings